Never miss another lead.
Every question, every callback request and every contact form that is filled out on your website is important. Make sure these requests are followed up on immediately and by the right person. Our services ensure you never miss another lead.

Avoid the mistake of not following up on your hard-earned leads properly
Leads get lost
Your sales team is often busy and not always able to immediately go after new leads. In many cases, these requests end up on the backlog, while some may be lost entirely. Such wasted leads are now a thing of the past!
Never miss another lead
When you use our services, you will never miss another lead. Make sure your leads are followed up on immediately. Once a request comes in via your website, your phone starts ringing immediately.
Key benefits
Leads are always followed up on immediately
Once a website visitor submits a request via your website, your phone starts ringing immediately.
Leads are always followed up on
With form tracking, leads are always followed up on. If the potential customer cannot be reached the first time, another call attempt will be made later.
Call back leads
Receive notifications for missed calls to ensure those leads are not lost.
Why you should choose AdCalls.
Read more about AdCallsWhy more than 1,500 organisations have already partnered with us.
Read our casesCurious about the possibilities? Call our specialist Jeffrey at + 31 20 214 8800.