Never miss a lead.
Speak to your online lead within thirty seconds. The most effective sales calls happen when you follow up on a new lead as quickly as possible. With AdCalls, you can always follow up on your leads immediately and maximise your returns.

Immediately follow up on leads
30% of your leads are lost
Let’s say a website visitor fills out a contact form or calls you on the phone. However, your staff are busy and the call is not answered or only returned at a later time. Does your organisation do enough to properly follow up on these leads?
Immediately follow up on leads
Contact customers who submitted an online request in less than one minute. We make sure your team is called immediately whenever a lead enters their contact information and we send out email notifications for missed calls.
Our key benefits.
Immediately follow up on leads
Make the most of the moment when a lead visits your website, because that is when their purchase intent is highest. Contact your lead before they move on to your competitors.
Ideal call route
Immediately send leads to the right department or the best salesperson you have available at that time.
Never miss another lead
Receive notifications for missed calls to ensure those leads are not lost.
Why you should choose AdCalls.
Read more about AdCallsWhy more than 1,500 organisations have already partnered with us.
Read our casesCurious about the possibilities? Call our specialist Jeffrey at + 31 20 214 8800.